He Toa Takitini was established in 2004 and is made up of hapū, represented by marae as well as three non-marae claimant groups. He Toa Takitini was mandated by Heretaunga Tamatea claimants to negotiate direct with the Crown rather than through the Waitangi Tribunal.
He Toa Takitini is now the post settlement governance entity for Heretaunga Tamatea.
Read more about He Toa Takinini(external link) [Tamatea Pokai Whenua website]
During late 2010 and 2011 Heretaunga Tamatea, through He Toa Takitini entered negotions with the Crown.
In 2013 Te Whare Kōrero was held at Te Aute College and EIT Hawkes Bay. Claimants were invited to speak about our grievances to the Crown.
View the recordings from Te Whare Kōrero(external link) [Tamatea Pokai Whenua website]
On 11 June 2014 it was agreed that the Crown and Heretaunga Tamatea would enter into a Deed of Settlement.
A deed of settlement is a document that formalises an agreement. Our deed of settlement was ratified and approved by September 2015.
Read the Deed of Settlement(external link) [Te Arawhiti website]
The Heretaunga Tamatea Claims Settlement Act 2019 legally recognises our claims. It is a legally binding agreement that has:
Read the Heretaunga Tamatea Claims Settlement Act 2018(external link) [Legislation]